Our Philosophy
Educational teachings in light of islam
Our philosophy

Jamia IImiya is founded upon the educational philosophy of Islam which in turn is inspired by the principles of hierarchy and unity of knowledge in its intents, contests and methods. Therefore, our philosophy is based on.
- Recognizing Allah, the Almighty as the fountain- head of all knowledge (Al Allam)-acknowledging Him as the ultimate end of every human endeavors; and believing that His guidance (Al Huda) as the absolute essential for human development.
- Believing that the prophetic outlet of Divine knowledge is trust-worthy and infallible.
- Recognizing the real distinction between the Revelation and human
Dynamic :
To develop an Islamic educational framework in order to prepare religious scientists (Ulama) who practice and propagate Islam being aware of their ultimate responsibilities towards Almighty Allah and towards their own selves, family, society and understandings.
Holistic and harmonious :
To provide a holistic education, harmonious with the Islamic principles in order to foster the spiritual and intellectual developments of the students.
Integrated :
To incorporate the Islamic doctrinal beliefs and values in to the educational practices so as to integrate theories with practices, and extend the class room activities with real life situations and social experiences.
Unified :
To unify the purpose of seeking knowledge of various contents and nature in line with the Islamic legacy of hierarchy and unit of knowledge as proclaimed in the holy 23 Quran and the tradition of Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Our mission can be viewed from our dimensions