Our Library
Our library is available for visitors
Visit Jamila ilmiya library features

- Areference section and reading hall attached to stack area of the library
- Acollection of around 5,000 books
- Digital Library with full time internet access and collection of thousands of e-books
- The library subscribes around 20 periodicals including journals and magazines in various languages.
- Printing, Xeroxing and scanning are attached to the library
- All the books are bar coded to facilitate computerized check in and check out
- OPAC computerized searching of books
- It works from 6.30 am to 10.00 pm
Centre for public Education and training
CPET is unprecedented attempt by Jamia Ilmiya to plan, design and implement various educational and training programs aimed at different groups of public. Established in January 2015, CPET has started engaging in the process
of educating the Ummah by providing the long and short term diploma and Certificate courses. CPET now offers the following Courses,
- Transformational Leadership for Imams
- Resource Persons' Enhancement course
- Pre- marital and post-marital workshops
- Islamic Teaching Methodology
- Islamic Leadership
- World history in Islamic View
- Diploma in Halal
- Diploma in Islamic Banking
- Diploma in Shariat & International Law
- Diploma in Islamic psychology